True to their word, Eden Brae came over on Tuesday to conduct their 3 month maintenance inspection. Tim couldn't have been more helpful and happily wrote down everything on our list. Even the missing toilet roll holder from the granny flat which technically was our mistake for missing it prior to hand over!
So, "How has the
1) Carpet in our bedroom still rippling and not secured at the edge near ensuite
2) Carpet edge in Living Room not secured properly and is fraying. Di Lorenzo Carpet were really the weakest link in our whole home building experience. Shockers!
3) Few spots need to be re-grouted in all 3 bathrooms
4) Some timber quad (trim) lifting in the kitchen
5) Patch & paint dent on pantry ceiling
6) A service and some sanding & re-staining required on bi-fold doors. They're a bit 'sticky' to open which causes the doors to scrape on the bottom door frame. Also, where they've patched some nail holes before staining is showing as a different colour.
7) Patch & paint some damage on the Alfresco ceiling
8) One of the touch catches in the kitchen isn't working
9) Some of the floor boards near laundry are a little springy & one other spot seems un-even
10) Door lock on internal garage door doesn't work
11) A few cracked roof tiles that had never been fixed but should have been prior to handover
12) Cracked tile in Granny Flat ensuite where they've secured the shower screen
13) Toilet roll holder missing in Granny Flat ensuite
14) Repair brickwork at front of the house (this section has never been right!)
15) Point up some brick sections at front porch and clean down bricks
16) Stormwater pipe broken at end of driveway
No cracks in walls, no leaking pipes, all major appliances work i.e. air-conditioning, oven etc, so not too bad really. Majority of these things were picked up within a couple of weeks of moving in so it's not like things have continued to deteriorate or anything.
You only get one chance to make a list by the way, so it helps if you write things down as you notice them. Also, best to keep a few bricks just in case you need some replaced like we do at the front of the house. If they had to order some more bricks, chances are they'll look a different colour as each batch slightly differs. Also good to keep some spare roof tiles (make sure yours don't get taken away by the cleaners like ours did!)
Our Maintenance List has now been handed over to MGH Contracting to coordinate the relevant trades to do the repairs. I heard from them the same afternoon Tim had been out and twice since. Everything has already been pretty much confirmed and lined up for a few weeks time. They ask you to provide about 3 dates within a week or two and then they try and get all the trades to come on one, maybe two of those days and then organise the painters to come on the last day if required.
Assuming all goes well from here, I'm impressed. Again, this has been straight forward with no hassles.